JApex is Agile
JApex Road Map is based on an agile life cycle. A new version will be released every 4-6 weeks. each version takes on previous version issues as well as adds most prominent feature requests.
What are the current most pending tasks
The current phase of JApex lifecycle focuses on releasing an initial version ASAP, gather feedback, seek most prominent enhancement. Also, several code quality enhancements are due. logging is one area, formatting and removing dead code are equally important. Also removing remnants of useless code generated as part of default maven arhetype is a must.
A Dump of currently known tasks and issues.
In the following listing, an unordered list of items I plan to work on the earliest
- Remove dead code from all artifacts.
- Add SLF4J based logging into all java source code with proper logging levels. replace all references to adhoc logging to slf4j.
- Consider resolving issue reported by PMD or dismissing them if not realistic.
- Add missing unit tests to automate pre-release verifications.
- Add pending sub report support
- Decide on a suitable project license
- Add license and copyright information to all project artifacts; source code, configuration files etc.
- Employ convention over configuration to provide a database centric configuration store, rather than current design of file based configuration
- Either Add a custom packaging target to maven configuration to allow for automatic distribution generation, or include what ever necessary into the main archive generation tree.
- Finish up the sample APEX management application as part of the distribution
- include sample reports for show casing JasperReports features out of the box, hopefully with automatic script.
- Include detailed documentation on best practices to integrate JAPEX into APEX workspaces. e.g. Application level items, sample code for report inclusion into pages, etc..
- Proof read, and validate installation on as-per-documented steps to guarantee smooth installation.
- Enrich documentation with references to other sites describing installation of various application servers, log inspection, tailing tools for windows (e.g. baretail), even java installation and validation.
- Complete the code for scriptable TWAIN applet with pure in-memory mode and Simple Javascript interface.
- Document Flash uploaders other than uploadify, provide more comprehensive examples.
- Move issues to TRAC and keep the link between the website change log current for all future releases.